Above you’ll see a representation of the median price for dwellings in each category. Move your mouse over the chart and you’ll see how many property listings were used to calculate the median price.
Keep in mind that there’s still a wide range of home prices in each of these categories. You should also consider that factors like the quality of the mountain view and the proximity to the beach itself also contribute heavily to the price of a particular property.
Panama also has much to offer in the way of land for you to build your dream home or even just hold onto as an investment.
Understandably where the population is most dense, in the cities and the more established coastal communities, land is a bit harder to come by and, consequently, demands a higher premium. However, if you’re willing to step a short distance outside of your target area, there are often much bigger bargains to be had on the outskirts of the more populated areas.
Here’s a hint: it’s in Costa Rica.
In fact several of the Top 57 are in Costa Rica, but there are others in Nicargua, Panama, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Belize, Honduras and El Salvador.
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